
Golden K gets update on Lake Antoine Park Partners Project

Barb Kramer, left, representing the Lake Antoine Park Partners Project, was the guests speaker at the Golden K meeting Monday. Kramer is with Mary Bugni, Golden K program chairwoman.

KINGSFORD — Bill Roberts, chairman for the month, opened the Golden K Thanksgiving week meeting.

Don Pedo and Alyce Derwinski led the group with appropriate songs during the coffee and donut time.

The business meeting noted Virginia Yarcy’s birthday and Al and Laverne Calcari’s anniversary this week. Phyllis Galeazzi won the 50-50 drawing. Sandy Soltis was happy for the lovely day, while Bill Roberts was very happy with Michigan Tech’s hockey win. Sick call remembered Bill and Margaret Trudell, Mike Werner, Pat Smaby Corson and Henry London.

Coming activities are the children’s Christmas party on Dec. 16. Members should arrive at the church by 8:30 a.m.

The Golden K member party is set for 5:30 p.m. Dec. 16 in the Antoine Room at Recreation Lanes in Iron Mountain. Pedo is taking party reservations at 906-774-7826.

Bill Roberts introduced guest speaker Barb Kramer, representing the Lake Antoine Park Partners Project. Her program outlined the mission of the project, which is to preserve, improve, promote and protect the park.

Some of the accomplishments in 2019 included adding a disc golf course, planting 10 red maples, installing paths to the beach, building a brick retaining wall, installing new clear signs indicating park regulations and repairing or replacing picnic tables.

They also presented 13 outdoor movies and one concert, plus joined with The Daily News’ Newspapers in Education in Education to have the Crafty Flea Market, which had a great turnout and will be scheduled for a repeat next Sept. 12.

The Partners will complete renovations on the artesian spring well area in 2020. Funds have been provided by business donors, grants and many private contributions.

Volunteers have provided many hours to make this project a reality and more are needed and are always welcome. More information is available by calling 906-396-3116.

The Iron Mountain High School Band will present the program Monday. Golden K meetings are at 10 a.m. ,with the program to begin at 10:30 a.m.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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