Repeating lies about Donald Trump doesn’t make them any truer the second time around. It’s not hard to take statements out of context. Twisting words to depart from the true meaning of the statements is an underhanded way of propagating lies, a favorite Democrat trick. Trump only meant he ...
Dickinson County veterans should be outraged at “bone spurs” Donald Trump’s recent remarks about the Medal of Honor. “But I really, I watched Sheldon sitting so proud in the White House when we gave Miriam the Presidential Medal of Freedom,” he said. “That’s the highest award you ...
Imagine this scenario: All the residents of Dickinson County are gathered together. Someone with a microphone addressing all the citizens starts making fun of and humiliating a parent whose child has a terrible drug addiction. I hope those reading this letter will agree that is too mean of ...
To all of you who collect aluminum can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House in Milwaukee, I would like to have them turned in this week at the collection sites.
After I pick them up and get a final count, etc., I will deliver them to Goldin Iron & Metal Recycling in Kaukauna, ...
In response to Mr. Rahoi’s opinion of Donald Trump, I have one question: Did you ever hear what Joe Biden says about President Trump? That liar spoke of unity from his teleprompter but started the world on fire with his actions. We are on the brink of World War III and a recession because of ...
At the Republican National Committee convention Donald Trump, humbled some by the assassination attempt, spoke the words I have been waiting to here: That Republicans, Democrats and Independents need to come together as Americans and be unified. (Years ago, there was a common bond that ...