
Competition winners

Pollock, Sturm and Hoy with fourth-place winner Donovan Powell of Norway High School.
Third-place winner William Fairchild of Iron Mountain High School with Pollock, Sturm and Hoy.
Second-place winner Nathan O’Brion of Norway High School with Hoy, Sturm and Pollock.
From left are Mike Hoy, Systems Control; first-place winner Kaiden Paulsen, Kingsford High School; Susan Sturm, instructor; and Chad Pollock, Systems Control.
Fifth-place winner James Chartier of Iron Mountain High School with Hoy, Pollock and Sturm.

Students from the Dickinson-Iron Intermediate School District Technical Education Center’s Electrical and Mechanical Systems in Industry program recently competed in the fourth annual Systems Control Wiring Competition. The level of competition increases each year and this year was very close. This competition simulates wiring a basic panel from Systems Control. They kicked off the competition with a presentation from Systems Control on career opportunities available and interviewing tips. For the competition, the students are given drawings and had to land 19 wires with proper labels, uniform wire lengths, no loose wires and no bare wire showing. The students also were tested on their knowledge of the wiring schematic to explain how the wiring circuits work. This competition uses skills previously learned in this class on circuit fundamentals and electrical panel wiring.


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