
Gardening series continues May 1

IRON MOUNTAIN — The Dickinson County Library in Iron Mountain, along with We Energies, will present “Beauty Outside Your Door,” a three-part series on gardening with hands-on gardening activities at 5:30 p.m., followed by webinars with gardening expert Melinda Myers at 6:30 p.m. once a month through June.

Part two of this series will be Wednesday, May 1, at the library in Iron Mountain. Participants will create a decorative cutting board, followed by a webinar on “Ornamental Fruits and Vegetables.”

This webinar will discuss increasing the nutritional value and beauty of landscape by incorporating attractive fruits and vegetables into landscapes, garden beds and containers.

The partnership aims to provide free and accessible information that focuses on practical, budget-wise gardening strategies for everyone. Teaming with U.P. libraries, Myers will provide free gardening webinars and projects to help patrons grow beautiful gardens, fruits and vegetables, and help support pollinators.

Gardeners can help increase the green space in their communities, improve their health, and save energy through sustainable gardening and landscaping practices.


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