
Authentic Carpenters Tribute Christmas show at the Island Showroom

Harris — Nothing brings on feelings of nostalgia like Christmas songs, sung in the melodic tones of Karen Carpenter.

The Island Resort and Casino, together with Radio Results Network, want the public to experience that the Christmas season as they welcome, the Las Vegas, Carpenters Legacy: A Christmas Portrait, starring Sally Olson as Karen Carpenter and Ned Mills as Richard Carpenter.

This must-see show will be for one night only on Saturday, Dec. 21. Tickets are $20 and on sale now through the casino and can be purchased by phone at 877-ISL-SHOW or online at islandresortandcasino.com

Carpenters Legacy: A Christmas Portrait features a powerful live performance, historical commentary, lovely arrangements and video, taking audiences on an incredible journey down memory lane into the world of the Carpenters — the world’s only authentic Carpenters tribute in sight and sound.

The show takes the audience back in time to the days of the treasured Carpenters’ Christmas television specials, by performing the holiday classics “Merry Christmas, Darling,” “Sleigh Ride,” “The Christmas Song” and much more, and includes many of the Carpenters’ greatest hits.

Carpenters Legacy maintains a residency in the V Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. The show has played to performing arts centers, cabarets spaces including the famed Triad Theater in New York City, and sold-out showrooms in Las Vegas and across the country.

The show was featured at the Carpenters 50th anniversary Celebration in Thousand Oaks, Calif. in 2019 and the Carpenters 55th Anniversary Celebration in April 2024 at the Downey Theatre in Downey, Calif., home of the Carpenters.

Carpenters Legacy is a six time Best of Las Vegas winner and was voted “Best Impersonator” (Gold), “Best Tribute Show (Bronze) and “Best Family-Friendly Show” (Bronze) in 2023. Olson is the first-ever and only Karen and Richard Carpenter tribute artist to perform with the world-renowned Las Vegas based review Legends In Concert.


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