
Back to the Present

This week’s Back to the Present photograph, provided by the Menominee Range Historical Museum, is a 1942 view of the bear pen at City Park in Iron Mountain.

Shown are three unidentified people feeding the bear who resided at the in-ground cement pens.

The bear, or bears, had a rope swing, a tree to climb, and could go from one enclosure to the other through a tunnel.

The park provided many memories to those that grew up in the area, especially those who resided on the west side of Iron Mountain.

“I remember Bruno the Bear when I was a kid in the 80s. I always felt so bad for him.”

Terri Castelaz/Daily News photo

— Carissa Hiltonen

“I spent a lot of time at City Park with the bears, peacocks and raccoons, we would reach through the fence to feed them, then grab their little paws for a second.”

— Bob Van Laanen

“Poor thing. Back in the day there were coyotes, raccoons and peacocks in addition to the bear.”

— JoAnn Sanford

Terri Castelaz/Daily News photo


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