
Golden K Club hears cancer closet presentation

Joanne Lindholm Photo Diane Schabo, director of the Dickinson County Cancer Unit Loan Closet, left and Viola Axberg, center, member of the Board of Directors, were the guest speakers at Monday’s Golden K meeting. Joan Jouppi, Golden K served as chairperson.


For The Daily News

KINGSFORD — Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless. Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. If you’re looking for a place to volunteer and help others, the Golden K always welcomes new members.

Alyce Derwinski sat down at the piano and began to play familiar melodies. Lois Outcelt led the group as they sang, “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning,” “Shine on Harvest Moon,” and “Smiles.” The Welcome Song was sung for the day’s guests from the Dickinson County Cancer Unit Loan Closet, Diane Schabo and Viola Axberg.

Kirk Olson was the big winner of the Pot of Gold. Gary Proudfit read the Happy Dollar messages. Bill Roberts is happy for a great summer and more to come.

Brett Calcari was happy to have spent time with his kids and grandkids and Candy Buchcuski is looking forward to going to the Ronald McDonald House in Milwaukee next weekend with her family to cook for the families staying there.

Thought for the Day read by Chairperson Joan Jouppi was “We can’t always control what goes on around us, but we can control how we feel about it.”

Jouppi introduced Diane Schabo, director and Viola Axberg, member of the board of directors of the Dickinson County Loan Closet. Schabo brought a display of the many improvements made to the Loan Closet building that were made possible by a large monetary donation from 100-Plus Women Who Care and labor provided by Habitat for Humanity volunteers.

Some of the improvements made were a new sign, siding, windows, electrical, blinds, and gutters. Some landscaping was made possible through donations by family members who wanted to do something in memory of a loved one.

Schabo advised that the Loan Closet and Hospice are two separate organizations and they do not collaborate with each other. However, if you are a client of the Loan Closet and then require hospice care, the Loan Closet will continue to provide some supplies.

The Loan Closet does accept donations of equipment like walkers and shower chairs. They do not have room to house larger equipment such as a hospital bed, but they do keep a list of these items on a donation sheet and will refer a client to a person who has this available.

There is a “free” corner at the Loan Closet for those who may need items, but are not eligible to receive them due to being outside of Dickinson County. They will also attempt to find a location in their county where they could receive the services/equipment needed.

The Loan Closet continues to be very busy and is grateful for their many volunteers. They are at 201 E. Breitung Ave. in Kingsford or reached by phone at 906-776-0966.

Golden K meets at 10 a.m. Monday at the First Presbyterian Church in Kingsford.


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