
Veteran Service Office helps with benefits, finding care

Iron Mountain-Kingsford General Federation of Women’s Clubs honored local women veterans during a recent event at the Chippewa Club in Iron Mountain. The Army, Navy and Air Force were represented. Each of the veterans shared experiences of their time in the armed services. One veteran was even on a nuclear submarine. From left are Bridget Schoeppey, Mary Stolze, Jan Irish, Mary Munson, Jamie Phillips, Margaret Petrick, Suzanne Scholke and Carolyn Corwin.

IRON MOUNTAIN — Veterans Day, unlike Memorial Day, is a time to honor and thank our veterans for their service.

When many people think about veterans, the first thing coming to mind is our wartime veterans — those who served during World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and, most recently, the Gulf War. However, there are many veterans, who did not serve in a war era who have been called up to defend our way of life and to protect us and others against injustice throughout the world.

Some examples of military actions not considered war where service men and women participated include U.S. occupation of Haiti, part of the Banana Wars-Haiti; Permesta Rebellion in Indonesia; Lebanon Crisis; Bay of Pigs-Cuba; Laotian Civil War, part of Indochina Wars-Laos; Dominican Civil War-Dominican Republic; Multinational Intervention in Lebanon, U.S. Marines management of Port of Beirut; U.S. Invasion of Grenada; Bombing of Libya; War on Drugs throughout South America; Tanker War-Persian Gulf, and U.S. Invasion of Panama-Panama City, Panama.

Let us not forget also the men and women who are responsible for the logistics of keeping our troops equipped, housed and fed. All of our military have served with great honor and courage, no matter where or when they served.

Many of these veterans have endured mental and physical disabilities because of their service. It is our responsibility as a community to help these veterans. One of the most important things we can do is thank them for their service, not only on Veterans Day but throughout the year.

Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center in Iron Mountain received a donation of Native American flutes, with the request they be given to Native American veterans who personify the Native American definition of warrior, which is: One who carries the people. Shown is Robert Hazen, a veteran who accepted a donated flute. He is a tireless advocate for his community who spreads the word about VA services available for Native American veterans.

Learn the signs of suicide. Take a moment to read up on post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD; depression; and traumatic brain injury, or TBI.

If you are a veteran and mentally struggling, call 988 then press 1 for help. If you are a family member, friend or co-worker and see something, then say something. Set up a buddy check to help veterans who are struggling or elderly and shut in.

The Dickinson County Veteran Service Office recognizes and thanks every veteran who served, whether in war or peacetime. We look forward to working with county veterans and their families. Helping them receive VA benefits and health care, coordinating services for food, clothing and housing. The office is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday for appointments. The office is also open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fridays for walk-ins. Contact the veterans service office at 906-774-2820 or go to the new location at 2301 Woodard Ave. in Kingsford.

On behalf of myself and Lacey Ellison, we wish all our veterans a wonderful Veterans Day and thank each of you for your service and dedication to our country.

Upcoming Events

Every Friday — The American Legion Post 50, River Avenue in Iron Mountain will serve fish fry or 10-piece shrimp dinners for $13. Call the legion to order for pickup at 906-774-5797 or come on down and eat at the post.

Last Sunday of every month — The Norway American Legion will host an all-you-can-eat breakfast for $9, with two types of pancakes, potatoes, sausage, toast, eggs, French toast, coffee, juice and milk.

First Thursday of every month — Norway American Legion Post meeting at 7 p.m.

Today — Comedy Show at the American Legion in Iron Mountain.

Today — American Legion Auxiliary Birthday and Marine Corps Birthday.

Saturday — Free sandwiches and beverages for all veterans from 3 to 7 p.m. at American Legion Post 50.

Saturday — Venue 906, 2 p.m. to midnight, free meal for veterans with valid ID, music, raffles and a night of fun. The public is welcome.

Wednesday — “Yooper National Holiday,” the opening day of deer season — good luck, everyone, and be safe out there.


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