
Breitung looks to replace Quinnesec water tank main

QUINNESEC — The Breitung Township Board on Monday contracted with Coleman Engineering of Iron Mountain to design plans for replacing the main line to the Quinnesec water tank.

The board bypassed the bidding process for engineering on the project to more quickly award the contract and ensure the line is replaced within the year.

Coleman Engineering already was familiar with the project, having done the township’s water system asset management plan, Superintendent Steve Mulka said.

The current 6-inch water main, installed in 1935, was identified as a “choke point” in the system. Upgrading to a 12-inch water main would improve residential and fire flow, Mulka said, and could increase the township’s Insurance Services Office rating, which is used to determine homeowner insurance rates.

The project is estimated to cost $150,000 and would be covered by the water fund.

In other business, the board:

— Authorized the Breitung Township Volunteer Fire Department buying two multi-gas detectors for $649 each from Jendco Safety Supply.

— Approved registration fees, mileage, meals and lodging for Board Supervisor Denny Olson to attend the 2020 Michigan Townships Association Capital Conference on Feb. 26 in Lansing.

— Again contributed $2,000 to the Iron Mountain-Kingsford Community Schools summer recreation program.

— Purchased a 1/4-page advertisement in the 2020 Pine Mountain Continental Cup Ski Tournament program book for $130.

— Paid a total of $5,198 for field inspections performed by contracted assessors Ann Gasperich, Cameron Mulka, Dylan Jurasin and Nicolas Davis.


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