
COVID-19 testing Tuesday in Florence

National Guard provides assistance

FLORENCE, Wis. — Local health departments and emergency management in the northern Wisconsin region have requested assistance from the Wisconsin National Guard to scale up COVID-19 nasal swab testing.

The National Guard will be providing drive through style COVID-19 swab testing.

Florence, Forest and Marinette counties are partnering to host a community COVID-19 specimen collection event in the parking lot of the Florence Natural Resources Center, 5638 Forestry Dr., Florence, on Tuesday.

This free event will be from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Anyone 5 years and older with at least one of the following symptoms: fever, cough, loss of taste/smell, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, body aches, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, chills, or muscle aches can get tested.

Testing is also available to all first responders, high risk individuals (65 years of age or older), under 65 with underlying medical conditions, or any immunocompromised individual (without symptoms) will be tested. This event is only available to those who live or work in Wisconsin.

Please provide a current address, county of residence, and phone number when you arrive for testing. Testing at this event will be free, please be aware that if testing kits run out before the end of the event, those not tested may be turned away.

“Due to the unknown amount of interest, prepare for potential wait time,” said Annette Seibold of the Florence County Health Department.

Participants are to remain in their vehicles at all times. No restroom facilities will be available onsite. Please plan accordingly. It is requested that modes of transportation form a line while waiting for testing, and that those who want to be tested, stay in or on their mode of transportation at all times.

The National Guard will be doing the testing. They will be in uniform and in full personal protective equipment including gowns, mask and, gloves.

Following this event, local public health will be following up with any positive cases.

Negative cases will be notified by the National Guard. Generally, test results are known within 48 hours of samples being submitted.

The event will provide communities with mass testing and give public health an increased insight into how widespread COVID-19 is, Seibold said.

There are alternative testing sites in the state of Wisconsin throughout May. Any Wisconsin resident is welcome to attend any one of the testing events.

For further information, go to the CDC’s website, the DHS website, or the Florence County Health Department Facebook or website at http://www.florencecountywi.com/ .

The National Guard will also be providing similar drive-through style COVID-19 nasal swab testing in Crivitz from Tuesday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. The event will be located at the Marinette County Highway Shop, CTH W, in the village of Crivitz.


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