
Senior group interested in acquiring IM center

IRON MOUNTAIN — The Senior Citizens Council of Dickinson County is interested in purchasing the county-owned Iron Mountain Senior Center at Crystal Lake, the county board learned Thursday.

At a June 8 meeting, the board had tabled Chairman Henry Wender’s proposal to begin talks on such a sale, citing a lack of input from area seniors.

Wender, who has been critical of expenses the county has incurred to keep the center open, said the matter will be taken up again Monday.

Kay Carlson, council treasurer, delivered a letter to the board prior to its finance committee meeting Thursday, confirming the group’s interest.

Commissioner Barbara Kramer said the senior council has been conflicted about acquiring the building in the past, but agreed the county should move forward.

“It’s going to take a little bit of time,” said Controller Brian Bousley, noting easements and other issues will come into play.

Wender has suggested a sale price of $1.

The center, which is leased to the council, has been a source of frustration due to ongoing sewage backflows. The county and the center spent about $100,000 in 2019 on a new lift station and other repairs. Further work this year, including replacement of a drain line, is nearing completion by Valley Mechanical of Norway.

During the project, the Dickinson-Iron Community Services Agency has been using the kitchen at Iron Mountain North Elementary School for its Meals on Wheels program.

Wender has suggested a sale of the senior center to DICSA if the senior group should decline.


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