
IM’s master plan under review

City to seek certification as Redevelopment Ready Community

Chelsey Annear walks her dog Gucci down Stephenson Avenue in Iron Mountain on Tuesday afternoon. A public hearing on the city’s updated master plan will be scheduled this fall. (Theresa Proudfit/Daily News photos)

IRON MOUNTAIN — An update to Iron Mountain’s master plan should be ready for public inspection in September, completing a process that began more than a year ago.

In June 2019, the city council hired Beckett and Raeder of Ann Arbor to update the plan for $38,989, with the Michigan Economic Development Commission covering half the cost. An updated master plan is one of the components needed to qualify the city as a Redevelopment Ready Community, an MEDC program designed to help attract investment.

With input from the public and the city’s Planning Commission, Beckett and Raeder prepared a document covering topics such as land use, recreation, transportation, the housing market and the economy.

On Monday, City Manager Jordan Stanchina said the plan is ready for council review. A public hearing will be scheduled for September or October.

According to MEDC, Redevelopment Ready Communities have a streamlined development approval process that makes pertinent information available around-the-clock for anyone to view. The voluntary, no-cost RRC certification program is designed to promote effective redevelopment strategies through a set of best practices.

In other news, the city council:

— Received a report on the $1.4 million utility and street project on West C Street. There have been “no major issues,” Stanchina said. The water main from Carpenter to Kimberly avenues has been replaced and sewer work is ongoing through the same area. That portion of road temporarily will be graveled before continuing west, Stanchina noted. The project covers five blocks of West C Street from Carpenter Avenue west to Lake Street, plus two blocks of Lake Street. Hebert Construction of Iron River is the contractor and the project is expected to continue into October.

— Approved a proclamation for Gold Star Family Week Sept. 20-26, recognizing sacrifices for the nation’s freedom. The Dickinson County Board has designated Sept. 19 as a day to recognize all Gold Star Families in the county, with plans to dedicate a monument on the county courthouse grounds.

— Learned that Bacco Construction Co. of Iron Mountain has been awarded a contract through the Michigan Department of Transportation for grant-aided paving on Lehman and North Kimberly avenues. The cost is $339,000, well below the engineer’s estimate of $407,800.

— Approved cost-sharing for a utility project at 1100 E. Grant St., where a sewer main was extended to the Jody and Jennifer Christy home. The city will pay $14,550 of the estimated $35,000 cost, covering installation of a manhole and a portion of the paving patch. While the homeowner is responsible for the connection cost, the extension gives the city a chance to potentially serve a couple of future customers, Stanchina said.

— Accepted having a city crew rebuild a deteriorated catch basin at Madison and East D streets, rather than relocating the storm sewer. The city’s material cost ended up being about $10,000. The only bid received for moving the sewer was $85,000, which was far above the city’s estimate of $20,000. The city’s fix should last “for many decades,” Stanchina said.

— At the request of council member Pam Maule, heard Public Works Director Scott Thomas say he’ll increase the frequency of pressure washings at the boat dock on the west side of Lake Antoine, where goose droppings have become a problem. The idea of placing dog silhouettes at the site also was discussed.

— Renewed a property lease for Erickson, Rochon and Nash Funeral Homes Inc., 901 Carpenter Ave., whose building is within a right-of-way held by the cities of Iron Mountain and Kingsford for sewer lines. The 10-year agreement sets the annual rent at $1,559, with Consumer Price Index adjustments to be applied.

— Approved the Kingsford Invitational cross country meet from 1:30 to 6 p.m. Sept. 15 at City Park. Adhering to state guidelines, the event will be limited to 70 runners.

Jim Anderson can be reached at 906-774-3500, ext. 226, or janderson@ironmountaindailynews.com.


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