
More projects completed at Lake Antoine Park

Three beverage container recycling stations and four dog waste stations were installed at Lake Antoine Park in Iron Mountain.

IRON MOUNTAIN — Lake Antoine Park Partners, a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to promote and improve Lake Antoine Park, announces two new additions to the park.

A project called “Cleaning It Up at the Park” received grants from both the Dickinson Area Community Foundation and the Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund, totaling $3,000. The “clean up” concept includes installing four dog waste stations and three beverage container recycling stations.

Dogs are frequent visitors to the park, accompanying community walkers and campers alike. Unfortunately, dog waste is a nutrient- and pathogen-rich pollutant that is too frequently left on the ground in the park.

LAPP hopes to increase pet owner stewardship by providing pet waste stations and a climate where pet waste removal is the norm, not the exception.

Four stations with handy dispensers for dog waste bags are located near the main entrance kiosk, at the north end of the park, near the south park entrance, and near the water in the dog walk area just south of the park. Waste bags may then be placed in any of the many waste cans throughout the park.

Three beverage container recycling stations and four dog waste stations were installed at Lake Antoine Park in Iron Mountain.

Another area they hope Lake Antoine park users can set a community example is by recycling. Heavy camping weekends, pavilion gatherings and sporting events generate a large quantity of beverage containers that most often end up in trash barrels headed for the landfill. Stations with separate recycling bins for plastic, aluminum, and glass are now located in three locations — near the main entrance, next to the bath house, and near the concession building at the beach. Bins of different colors are marked clearly with the type of beverage container to recycle.

LAPP hopes park users will embrace these two opportunities to show their environmental stewardship. They also thank the Dickinson County Parks staff for their help with maintenance of the recycling bins.

They encourage everyone to make the effort by only placing the correct recyclables in each marked bin — and no garbage. A map to the location of the recycling and dog waste stations can be found in the kiosk by the main entrance.

For more information about Lake Antoine Park Partners, go to the website at lakeantoine.org or on Facebook.

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