
Back to the present

(Terri Castelaz/Daily News photo) The Daily News has brought back its photos of “yesteryear.” Each week an historical photograph from area museums will be posted on The Daily News Facebook. Readers will be asked to identify the location, as well as share a memorable experience of the location. “Back to the present” will then be published in the Wednesday edition, including a current photo. Readers can comment on The Daily News Facebook page, or email tcastelaz@ironmountaindailynews.com with subject “Back to the present.”

This week’s “Back to Present” photograph of harness racing at the Dickinson County Fairgrounds in Norway is provided by the Menominee Range Historical Museum. The postcard image marked Norway, Mich., Oct. 8, 1910, was taken by H.J. Passno. The second photo

is a view of the former dirt track. The Dickinson County Fair was one of several fairs in the Upper Peninsula that featured harness racing, with only Gogebic and Chippewa counties still holding competitions.


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