
Man dies in UTV rollover

MARINETTE, Wis. — A Porterfield, Wis., man was killed and a passenger injured in a UTV rollover crash late Sunday afternoon in the Town of Lake in eastern Marinette County, authorities said.

Joseph La Pierre, 54, was northbound on Right of Way Road near Maple Crest Road about 4:34 p.m. when he drove onto the gravel shoulder on the west side, then appears to have overcorrected, lost control and went into the east ditch, where the UTV overturned, according to a news release from Marinette County Sheriff Randy Miller.

While La Pierre was wearing a seat belt, he was pronounced dead at the crash site by the Marinette County Medical Examiner’s Office.

An unbelted female passenger was thrown from the UTV but her injuries are not considered to be life threatening, according to the news release. No further information was provided on her condition.Alcohol and a failure to maintain control appear to have been factors in the crash, which remains under investigation by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Marinette County Sheriff’s Office and the Marinette County medical examiner, Miller stated in the release. Assisting with the crash were members of the Town of Lake Fire Department, Crivitz Rescue and Bay Area Rescue.

This was Marinette County’s third traffic fatality in 2023.


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