
Told can’t use closer children’s hospital

Bouquets and Barbs

Barb: The Upper Peninsula is much closer to Green Bay, Wisconsin, than Lansing, Michigan. Such unique geography can make access to specialized pediatric medical care hard to come by in Michigan. Children’s Wisconsin-Milwaukee Campus is the closest children’s hospital, yet the Upper Peninsula Health Plan, also known as Medicaid, has initially denied being willing to cover my child being treated there. What that means for parents is they must seek treatment for their children in lower Michigan.

One wonders why the Upper Peninsula Health Plan will not pay for Yooper kids’ care at the children’s hospital in Milwaukee. UPHP is funded by taxpayers to provide medical care for children on Medicaid. Yet it is unwilling to allow Yooper kids to receive treatment in nearby Milwaukee.

One wonders if such action displays UPHP’s true motive, “costs over patients.” If so, shame on you, UPHP.


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