
Cram named GNC offensive player of the year

KINGSFORD — Junior catcher Delaney Cram was named offensive player of the year as the Great Northern Conference softball awards and all-conference team was released on Thursday.

Cram’s statline in GNC contests was: .632 batting average, 40 RBIs, one home run, three triples and six doubles, while only striking out four times.

Flivvers named to the GNC first team are senior Lizzy Cross, CF; senior Teagan Petschar, utility; junior Allie Lavarnway, IF; and junior Zoie Geronimi, 1B.

Kingsford left-fielder, senior Kylie Mitchell is the Flivvers’ lone second team selection. The Flivvers lone honorable mention is pitcher Elaina Bortolini.

GNC Defensive Player of the Year selection is Carney Salo of Escanaba.

Also named first team all-conference: Carsyn Segorski, Escanaba; McKayla Mott, Escanaba; McKenna Bullen, Escanaba; Nicole Kamin, Escanaba; Emily Moore, Escanaba; Paxton Bullen, Escanaba; Montgomery Pepin, Gladstone; Rylee Gerow, Gladstone.

A handful of Flivvers were selected to the Division 2 All-District team — Cross, Lavarnway, Cram and Geronimi. Cross was also an All-Region selection in Division 2. The all-region and all-district selections are made by the Michigan High School Softball Coaches Association.


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