
Golden K members share ‘how they met’ stories

Judy Sielaff photo Golden K shared stories with fellow members at the Monday morning meeting. From left are Sarah Gospadarek, Leon Gospadarek, Joanne Hady, Gilbert Engel and Louise Swope Engel.


For The Daily News

KINGSFORD — Looking over a white landscape that has surrounded us for months, rumor has it that green grass is trying desperately to peek through. Could it be spring? The calendar says it should be. Birds are flocking to feeders, the sun is incrementally warmer, and the snow is melting. Yoopers know Michigan weather can change quickly, so a day of sunshine with warmer temperatures is welcomed.

Alyce Derwinski on piano chose songs encouraging that spring feeling for the Golden K seniors. Bill Roberts directed cheerful voices through “Blue Skies,” “Bye Bye Blackbird,” and “Down By The Riverside.” Harmonious encouragement wafted throughout the room, down the hallway, and out to the waiting birds.

Sarah Godspodarek won the 50-50 drawing. Gary Proudfit in his unique style presented Happy Dollars for the day. Some were happy for family visits, others for spring. This week included joyful sports fans. Michigan State University Basketball, and Michigan Technological University Hockey are both in the NCAA Sweet 16 in their respective fields. The Upper Peninsula is well represented. A bit of cold weather and snow does not hamper the spirit and pride in this part of Michigan. Encouragement and support go out to Candy’s oldest son as he will be running in the upcoming Boston Marathon.

Chairman Gilbert Engel had a surprise format for the days meeting. The Golden Kers anxiously awaited the outcome. Gilbert is no stranger to filling gaps at the last minute. He announced “open mic” on the subject of “How I Met My Wife.” Initially, not everyone was clamoring for the microphone. When Leon Godspodarek took the microphone, his wife, Sarah, held her breath. He was careful to present their journey to the altar as interesting and loving. Their semi-planned trip south, combined with luck and hope turned out well. Sarah shared the difficulty they had in finding a place to stay.

Challenging and strange as it was, they came upon an area deep in the woods. It had a rustic setting and an outdoor theater. The seating was rock hard, however, those in love hardly notice those details. Love has a way of helping things work out for the best. With several anniversary candles on their cake, they continue to happily share life experiences.

To the surprise of his wife Louise, Gilbert began his story. While dating, they traveled to the Cayman Islands on a cruise ship. It sounded ideal, and they enjoyed most parts of the journey as you might imagine.

Louise discovered that Gilbert is a master of pulling things together at the last minute. He arranged getting married on the cruise, running through the sandy beaches, and then frantically rushing back to the ship before it left port. When they checked funds for the return trip, there was only enough for one of them. What to do? Well, if you’re on a bus, in need of extra funds, just ask people for help. In their case it worked out, as do most things for the happy couple. Gilbert’s creative ways are embraced by Louise. They share a happy life and would not change a thing.

Everyone has a story to tell; this one is not about marriage. Joanne Hady shared her concern for the upcoming voting in Iron Mountain. Opportunities for voting require citizens to be well informed and knowledgeable about the issues. Education and information enable voters to decide issues and vote wisely.

The Golden K will meet Monday with Karla Lehman, who is a child advocate from the Caring House will be the guest speaker. All are welcome.


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