
Daily Meditations: Who needs my love the most? — John 15:9-11

A grandfather was visiting the home of one of his grandchildren. The little girl was showing him her many dolls. He asked her: “of all these dolls, which one do you like the most?” She asked him to promise he won’t laugh when she told him. He promised.

The little girl pointed to a miserable, tattered-looking doll. The grandfather asked her why she love that doll the most. Her response was that this was the doll who needed her love the most. Nobody else liked it!

This simple little story is a good description of God’s love for us. He loves us because we are sinners who need his love the most.

In John’s gospel we are told to love one another as he loves us. That means that we too must love those who need our love the most. Let’s face it, there are people out there who seem difficult to like. These are the ones who probably have few friends. They are like the raggedy doll that no one liked.

Now would be a good time to ask ourselves how sensitive are we to those people who need love the most?

God Bless


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