
The Wall That Heals to arrive in Crivitz on Tuesday

CRIVITZ, Wis. — The Wall That Heals, a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial along with a Mobile Education Center, will arrive in Crivitz on Tuesday. The memorial will be open to the public the afternoon of Wednesday after community volunteers and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund staff finish erecting it on site. It will remain open 24 hours a day, rain or shine, through 2 p.m. Sunday, June 4. There is no cost to attend.

Several community events are planned at The Wall to “Welcome Back and Welcome Home” area Vietnam veterans and to pay tribute to those who returned home and later died as a result of their service.

Scheduled events, all taking place at the Crivitz-Stephenson Area Museum, will include —

— Tuesday: The Wall That Heals arrives via veteran escort. The escort will depart from Vandervest Harley-Davidson in Green Bay, Wis., at 3:30 p.m. and will travel through Oconto, Coleman and Pound before arriving for a procession through Crivitz at approximately 5 p.m. A welcome-back ceremony is planned for 5:30 p.m. at the Crivitz museum grounds.

— Thursday: 10 a.m., welcome home opening ceremony. State Rep. Jeff Mursau will emcee the opening program, with remarks from Michele Rathke, Wisconsin VFW state adjunct, and featuring a flag-folding ceremony.

— Friday: 9 p.m., candlelight vigil and honor roll call of area Vietnam veterans, accompanied by bagpipes and “Taps.”

— Saturday: Veterans Thank You Day, with Vietnam veterans recognition moments at The Wall at 11:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.

— Sunday, June 4: 12:30 p.m., honoring heroes closing ceremony with remarks by Crivitz High School graduate and Air Force veteran Kenneth Corry and featuring The Missing Man Table Ceremony and flag-folding ceremony.

The Wall That Heals will be on display at the Crivitz-Stephenson Area Museum, N104 Oak St. in Crivitz, across from the Crivitz High School and is free and open to the public.

The Wall That Heals honors the more than 3 million Americans who served in the U.S. Armed forces in the Vietnam War and it bears the names of the 58,281 men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam.

“It is an honor for Crivitz to be a host community in 2023, which also marks the 50th anniversary of the removal of U.S. combat troops from Vietnam.” said Rebecca Deschane, co-chair of The Wall That Heals Comes to Crivitz Committee. “We look forward to welcoming back The Wall and visitors to our community as we welcome home our area’s Vietnam veterans and pay honor to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.”

In 2023, Crivitz is among 31 locations across the country to host the traveling memorial. Crivitz also had the honor of hosting The Wall in 2018, when more than 22,000 individuals paid their respects to those whose names are forever memorialized on the wall.

Special thanks to The Wall That Heals Comes to Crivitz committee for their work and planning leading up to the arrival of The Wall: Irene Bauer, Bob Berndt, Randall Copiskey, Mark Crowley, Ginger Deschane, John Deschane, Kaitlin Deschane, Rebecca Deschane, Rich Keller, Farron Manning, Brianne Mommaerts, Jamie Mursau, Jeff and Nancy Mursau, Stacey Olson, Bunny Peplinski, Duane (Snake) and Dee Pierce, Dewey Sessler, Kristina Suchon, Jerry Swanson, Sophie VanStratten, Shawn Veriha, Jessica Witt and Sally Witt.

For more information on The Wall That Heals in Crivitz, follow their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/The-Wall-That-Heals-Comes-To-Crivitz or go to https://www.villageofcrivitz.com/twthcrivitz.


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