
Reader provides a two-in-one hint

Dear Heloise: To keep celery crisp and prevent it from wilting early, wash the celery and separate it into individual stalks. Dry, then wrap all the clean stalks in tinfoil and refrigerate. I put mine in the vegetable bin. They will last a long time.

Here’s another hint: If you get a small hole in a shirt, blouse, or any other article of clothing, put a small dab of clear nail polish on the affected area. It will prevent the tear from getting bigger and make it last indefinitely through many washings. This also works to prevent thread from unraveling. — Judy Alexander, via email


Dear Heloise: I keep reading tips from people who drain various oils or foods containing oil over the sink. I presume that they mean draining these oils directly into the sink, but no oils from any source should go down sink or processor drains. If you’re draining something, be sure to have a way to catch the oil. — Pattie Shinn, Huntsville, Arkansas


Dear Heloise: Like Peg L., we, too, have had the experience of not getting a “thank you” or even an acknowledgment when we’ve given gifts, whether it’s an actual gift or money. This particularly irritates me when we have sent something and are put in the awkward position of having to ask if it was received or lost in the mail. Nothing has changed; this is just plain bad manners!

I have always told my kids that nobody has to give you a gift. So if they take the time and expense to give you one, you better make the time to acknowledge it and thank them. When someone gift-ghosts us like that, they don’t receive another gift from us. — A Reader, via email


Dear Heloise: When we bought a new microwave oven, I saved the glass plate from the old oven. It’s the perfect thing to use when cutting veggies or meat. I also use it after I take a pizza out of the oven; I just set it onto the glass plate and cut it into slices. — E.C., in Oregon


Dear Heloise: When I turned 65, I told myself that I would start making my end-of-life plans and not delay in doing so. While visiting my estate planning attorney, I was urged to “freeze” my credit in the case that someone attains my financial information. This way, they won’t be able to raise my credit limit and scam me for thousands of dollars.

So, I visited AnnualCreditReport. com to request my credit reports from two nationwide credit bureaus — Equifax (877-322-8228) and TransUnion (800-916-8800). Anyone can receive a free credit report at least yearly or more often if a person is unemployed or has been a victim of fraud.

During this period of economic uncertainty, weekly free online reports are available from the companies listed above as well as Experian. There are also free credit reports in Spanish. No credit card or payment is required. — D., in Ohio


Dear Heloise: You can save on your gasoline bill by utilizing the “turn right on red” option. Instead of using gasoline to idle at a light for 30-60 seconds, just go straight and use the same gasoline to move you forward toward your destination.

You can further save by planning out your trips that tend to be in a circle and using the “right on red” choice, rather than sitting in a left turning lane and waiting for the light to change or a space in traffic. A national parcel delivery used these tricks, and they saved quite a bit of money. — D., in Ohio


Dear Heloise: Sometimes I have clumps in my baking soda or brown sugar, and these clumps can be rather hard, which makes it difficult to use. So, I usually put them in a bowl and use a potato masher to break them up. Works like a charm for me! — H.J., in Illinois


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