
Make a difference in someone’s life

Dear Heloise: We are in the middle of the holiday season and are closing in on a new year. Maybe this is as good a time as any to make amends where it needs to be made, help someone less fortunate, or adopt a homeless animal from the shelters or one who lives on the street.

Let’s stop and put a couple of dollars in the cups of those who silently sit on our streets with signs as they battle cold weather and struggle with their mental health. They may have lost their jobs or homes, but this is the least of their problems — so many have lost all hope.

It’s time to make a telephone call to the people we’ve missed or who miss us. There are so many times an encouraging word makes all the difference in someone else’s life.

It’s not too late to get involved in doing our part to save the planet. Recycle and reuse items; contribute to worthy causes that touch your heart; and remember that we are the only guardians of this planet. We need to clean it up, not use it up, before we hand it off to the next generation.

It’s a perfect time for governments all over the world to come together and put aside their differences. Life may not be easy, but it can get better if each of us do our part to improve the planet and stretch out a helping hand to those in need.

Even under the best of circumstances, it really is a short life. Make yours count! Making a difference in someone’s life or with a cause you feel passionate about is important.

Have a very merry holiday season, and best wishes to all in the coming new year. — N.D., in North Carolina


Dear Readers: You can clean the brick around fireplaces with full-strength white vinegar. This is done best by scrubbing the stained areas with a small vegetable brush dipped in vinegar. Wipe up any spills right away. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I get paint splatter all over my clothes and in my hair when I paint. What can I do to minimize this problem? — J.D., in Nebraska

J.D., I had the very same problem, but I figured it out. First, get an apron made of very thick material. (You can usually find something like this at a hardware store.) Keep this if you like painting or plan to do more painting in the future.

Next, get a shower cap to cover your hair. You can either use latex gloves to cover your hands or take a piece of round cardboard and cut a slit or hole big enough to slide the handle of your paint brush through. It acts as a shield for your hand. — Heloise

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