Kramer speaks to Golden K about the Lake Antoine Park Partners

Judy Sielaff photo Golden K Chairperson Sharon Scholke introduces guests speaker Barb Kramer of the Lake Antoine Park Partners (LAPP). Kramer provided information on future plans for an all-accessible playground at the park, as well as all the improvements the LAPP has accomplished to date.
For The Daily News
KINGSFORD — Monday morning brought sunshine and the promise of a reasonably nice day. It also brought the Golden K seniors to the First Presbyterian Church fellowship hall for their weekly meeting.
Showing off her 90-plus years, Sharon Scholke wielded her gavel for opening ceremonies. Settling in for some singing, Alyce Derwinski flexes her nimble fingers, and adjusts her music on the piano. On que, the old favorites “Heart of My Heart,” “I’ve Got Rhythm,” and “Look For the Silver Lining” were sung to brighten the day.
The “welcome song” was sung for guests Barb Kramer and John Scholke. Happy Birthday wishes were sung for LaVerne Calcari and Kathy Jo Anderson picked up winnings from the 50-50 drawing.
“Auld Lang Syne” was sung in memory of Darrell Miller, a long time, devoted member of Golden K and the Golden Throats. Our sympathy and appreciation goes out to his family.
Scholke’s “Thought for the day” had everyone nodding in agreement as it related to each of us. Four sayings that lead to wisdom: 1. I was wrong; 2. I’m sorry; 3. I don’t know, and 4. I need help. They are wise words that can be difficult to say.
Guest speaker Barb Kramer has worn many hats in service to the community. Today, she embodied enthusiasm speaking about the Lake Antoine Park Partners. The mission of this group is to preserve, improve, promote, and protect Lake Antoine Park for the use and benefit of the general public.
As vice president of this creative force, Kramer showcased many of their accomplishments. Most recently was the excitement of the KOALA event — Kites Over Awesome Lake Antoine. It was a beautiful day on the ice, missing only the usual winter wind to raise the kites. How many times has one gone to the lake and found no wind? A few early kiters were able to get their kite tails flying, but by midday, the wind paused.
Non-plussed, the day was perfect for many other events. Food was available and families were seen enjoying the day. The young enjoyed slipping and sliding on the icy lake, and snow angels were popping up everywhere.
This past holiday season witnessed an amazing spectacle called Lights at the Lake. Local businesses and organizations put together a spectacular display of Christmas lights and decorations through the campground area. Riding through the park listening to Christmas music was the perfect way to boost the holiday spirit. Kudos to the LAPP for this brilliant spectacle. If you missed it, it will be back next year bigger and better.
The LAPP has been planning, working and projecting new ideas to improve the park facilities. Much of the work at the park is done by volunteers. Their contribution of time and expertise makes visions come true as far as funds can take them. It’s been a busy year of working with the Dickinson County Board of Commissioners and volunteers. Tasks include preparing grounds for renovations as well as facilitating donations and applying for grants and other fundraising. Some of the recent accomplishments include the Sunset Beach renovation, all-accessible walkways, and picnic tables.
Fundraising is currently underway for a projected inclusive pocket park. This will be an area specially designed for handicapped and non-handicapped interaction. Parents or caregivers can join in the fun, side by side. The project cost is estimated at $160,000, with $75,000 already raised. Check out the Lake Antoine Park Partners page on Facebook. Come by the park to enjoy the many improvements.
The LAPP is a 501c3 non-profit and welcomes your support. Peak into the future and visualise yourself enjoying this beautiful space created by and for Dickinson County residents and visitors.
The Golden K will meet at 10 a.m. Monday at First Presbyterian Church in Kingsford. All members are asked to make a special effort to attend. This meeting will be important for planning the year ahead and the children with special needs Valentine party.