
Waitrovich joins Wild Rivers Realty


FLORENCE, Wis./IRON MOUNTAIN — Carole Waitrovich is now part of the team at Wild Rivers Realty & Associates Inc.

Waitrovich has been a licensed daycare provider, a licensed foster care parent, coordinated the Community HOPE for Suicide Prevention and founded a church food pantry. She has long been passionate about serving others in her community.

“I realized very early on that happy clients are what make me happy,” Waitrovich said, leading her to a new career and new way to help.

At Wild Rivers Realty, she will help others in selling or buying a home, camp or cottage, vacant land or a new or expanding business.

Waitrovich and her husband, Leon, have six sons — Joshuah, Jeremiah, Josiah, Jonah, Jerah and Joah — as well as four grandchildren. The family also hosts foreign exchange students. They live in Felch Township and are active members of Felch Mountain Bible Chapel.

As a full-time real estate agent licensed in Michigan and Wisconsin, Waitrovich can be reached on her cell phone at 906-396-7819 or by e-mail at carole@wildriversrealty.com. She will primarily work at the Iron Mountain and Florence offices but can meet with clients and customers in the Iron Mountain, Florence, Crystal Falls or Iron River offices, all on U.S. 2.


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