
IM students take part in mock interview event

IRON MOUNTAIN — The Iron Mountain High School senior class gathered recently for a mock interview event held at Bay College-Iron Mountain Campus.

For over 20 years, Iron Mountain High School has required students to participate in mock job interviews before they graduate.

Several individuals from local businesses and organizations attended the event.

The volunteers conducted one-on-one job interview scenarios, while providing constructive feedback.

Others hosted breakout sessions with the students, providing valuable insight to their lines of work and preparing students for their near future.

From left are interview participants Lindsey Sorensen, Shayna Hruska, Sophia Richtig, Aylah Hoffman, Madison Powell and Ashlyn Bal.

Iron Mountain Public Schools thanks the following businesses, organizations, and individuals who contributed to the event’s success by interviewing students and hosting breakout sessions: Veterans Administration Iron Mountain, Marshfield Clinic Health System – Greater Dickinson County Communities, CCI Systems Inc., B & B Electric, M. J. Electric, Range Bank, IncredibleBank, Iron Mountain Public Schools Andy Mendini, Dickinson Area Community Foundation, Career Sessions, Bay College, First National Bank & Trust, U.P. Construction Council.


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