
Wender to serve again as Dickinson board chair

IRON MOUNTAIN — Henry Wender will serve a 14th straight year as chair of the Dickinson County Board.

Wender told fellow commissioners during a Zoom meeting Monday it’s “truly an honor and privilege” to hold the post, and pledged to continue to do his best.

The vote was unanimous, as was support for Barbara Kramer as vice chair.

Wender, of Breitung Township, brings 32 years of experience to the board. Kramer, serving her second consecutive year as vice chair, is entering her ninth year representing portions of Iron Mountain and Breitung Township.

Ann Martin was sworn in to represent Iron Mountain’s District 2, a post she had for 14 years before an election defeat in 2018. This past November, Martin regained the seat with a victory over incumbent Democrat Kevin Pirlot.

With Martin’s addition, the board consists of four Republicans and Democrat John Degenaer Jr. of Norway, who is entering his 23rd year.

Republican Joe Stevens of Kingsford, starting his 27th year, remains liaison to the Dickinson County Healthcare System Board.

Degenaer is a longtime leader of the county’s Fair Board and Kramer again was named by Wender as finance chairman.

Commissioners took up no new business at the reorganizational session, agreeing to continue to have regular county board meetings at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of the month.

Finance meetings are on the third Thursday, also at 6 p.m.


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