
Hamlet One-Pagers

The AP Lit students at Kingsford High School recently finished their study of Shakespeare’s Hamlet by completing a One-Pager. As the name suggests, it is a one-page summary of the work using both visuals and text. The project includes notable quotes, characters, setting, themes, figurative language, and more. Students with their projects in the front row from left are Maggie McKinnon, Mackenzie Primeau, Baily Broecker, Ailee Sutton, and Jaelyn Kriegl; middle row: Hunter White, Madelyn Edwards, and Cy Olson; back row: Ryan Gaucher, Peyton Johnson, Amanda Yu, Maria Fornetti, Amy Reith, Elaina Bortolini, Ben Trevillian, Eric Mackey, Autumn Sleik, and Tino Occhietti.


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