
IM lines up $731K in paving

IRON MOUNTAIN — A bid of $731,041 awarded to Bacco Construction will cover about 2.3 miles of paving in Iron Mountain, with some of the work to take place this fall and the rest in the spring.

The city council Monday accepted Bacco’s price of $98.20 per ton of hot mix asphalt, which compared with an offer of $132 per ton from Payne & Dolan. With mobilization and other costs included, the Iron Mountain company’s bid was about $145,000 lower than its Gladstone competitor.

City Manager Jordan Stanchina noted the cost is slightly above the budgeted estimate of $700,000. “Not all of this will get done this year,” he said, adding fair weather could make substantial completion possible.

About $12,000 will be recouped in a cost-sharing with Kwik Trip for work on Grant Street at the North U.S. 2 entrance to its convenience store, set to open Oct. 5. Kwik Trip is paying 40% of the cost to provide a thicker surface for fuel deliveries. The paving will be 5 inches of hot mix asphalt, compared with 3 inches for city paving.

The planned street paving totaling about 1.6 miles also includes:

— 2,600 feet of East E Street from Park Avenue east to its end;

— 485 feet of East G Street from Park Avenue east to its end;

— 970 feet of Park Avenue from East A Street to Millie Hill Estates Road;

— 490 feet of Park Avenue from Phil Rahoi Drive to Millie Street;

— 835 feet of H Street from East G Street to Jackson Street;

— 2,080 feet of Grand Boulevard Circle from Devereaux Street to Lake Antoine Road;

— 860 feet of Spring Street from U.S. 2 to Grand Boulevard Circle.

In addition, about 0.7 miles of alleys will be paved. That work includes

sections between Woodward and Detroit avenues, between East B and East C streets in the area of Park Avenue and Adams Street, between East G and East F streets in the area of Jackson Street to U.S. 2, and between East F and East G streets in the area of Dunkin’ and Krist Oil.

In other action, the council:

— Heard Director of Police and Fire Services Edwin Mattson report that Jeff Solka has been named deputy director and Ben Hellman has been promoted to sergeant. Solka, a 17-year department veteran, is in line for the director’s position with Mattson planning to retire in mid-2024.

— Received an update from Virginia Feleppa of the city’s Tree Board, who thanked Department of Public Works employees and City Clerk-Treasurer Isaac Micheau for their help in getting about 20 trees planted in boulevard spaces each year over the past dozen years. Grants from DTE Energy and American Transmission Co., among others, have played a role, she said. “Look at the young trees, we’re proud of them,” she said.

— Agreed to seek bids for a self-propelled dump trailer to be used in the cemetery. This would be an alternative to acquiring a pickup truck with a dump box.

— Received a letter from Breitung Township Schools Superintendent David Holmes notifying the city of a Nov. 7 millage election in which the district will seek approval of $34.5 million in borrowing for building projects. The city has 137 BTS District voters within its limits as former township parcels annexed by the city remain within the BTS District, Stanchina explained.

— Approved a request from Scott and Lynne McClure, Gilbert LaFave and Larry Roell to vacate an undeveloped street right-of-way for Michigan Avenue between East F and East G streets. There are no city utilities within the right-of-way and no objections were raised during Monday’s public hearing.

— Adopted a resolution in support of an application for a club liquor license for Borderhounds LE/MC at 1200 Carpenter Ave.


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