
Kingsford to seek aid for $13.5M in infrastructure in two areas

KINGSFORD — A proposed infrastructure project in the Ford Addition and Breitung areas of Kingsford carries a price tag of $13.5 million that the city hopes to cover substantially with grant and loan aid from the Michigan Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.

The city council this week approved an application for the aid after reviewing a project plan with Ryan Morgan of GEI Consultants of Iron Mountain.

The city is not obligated to accept the money if approved and the project is not expected to start until 2026.

The existing piping includes lead service lines, old hydrants the can’t be serviced and failing, and undersized piping, according to city officials.

In other business, the council:

— Approved the first payment for a Heights area project in the amount of $852,200, with a portion held in contingency. Some of the money will come from the city’s sewer fund, although most is being paid with loan and grant assistance. The $8.5 million project is under construction. It calls for replacement of service lines, and sewer and water mains to comply with a state mandate to replace lead pipes. Some of the water lines in the area are more than 100 years old. Payne & Dolan of Gladstone is the contractor.

— Approved a request for purchase 19 vests for the Kingsford Public Safety Department at a cost of $24,735 from The Uniform Shop. The city will apply for a grant to recoup some or all of the cost. The vests expire and if they are worn after the expiration date it could be a liability.

— Agreed to allow Jake Miller to purchase lot 129 on North Pyle Drive, and take some property from lot 125, which is located next to it, after he mistakenly started building on the wrong lot. Lot 125 would have 31.5 feet less road frontage and lose some footage.

— Learned the Michigan Department of Transportation will be replacing the road on North Pyle Avenue. The cost is $238,640, with $175,000 in state funding. The rest will come from the city’s major street fund. The project will take place after Woodland Elementary School is out for the summer.


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