Foundation to match donations to Shiras Planetarium

Submitted photo Friends of Shiras Planetarium has announced a generous matching gift challenge from the Daniel J. Kobasic Foundation. From left are Jacob Phillips; Scott Stobbelaar and Becky LeBrecque, representing the Shiras Planetarium; Crystal Noble, representing Friends of the Shiras Planetarium; Jim Reevs from The Shiras Institute; Krystal Kobasic and Danica Stanciu, representing the Kobasic family; Stephanie Jones, representing Friends of The Shiras Planetarium; Laura Katers Reilly and Ward Rantala, representing The Shiras Institute.
MARQUETTE — The Friends of Shiras Planetarium has announced a generous matching gift challenge from the Daniel J. Kobasic Foundation.
Running through Dec. 31, all donations to the Friends of Shiras Planetarium will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $115,000. This challenge is an opportunity for the Upper Peninsula community to help secure the future of the planetarium and reach its $1 million fundraising goal before the end of the year.
The Shiras Planetarium, celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2025, is undergoing a transformative renovation to become a state-of-the-art ZEISS facility. These upgrades will make the planetarium the only one of its kind in the Upper Peninsula and home to the highest quality digital star field in the Midwest. To date, the community has already raised $766,593.
“We are incredibly grateful to the Daniel J. Kobasic Foundation for its commitment to the planetarium and the community,” said Stephanie Jones, president of the Friends of Shiras Planetarium, in a news release. “This matching challenge is a call to action. With the community’s support, we can meet this goal and ensure the planetarium remains a hub for education, inspiration and connection for generations to come.”
The Shiras Institute is “extremely grateful for the generous donation of $100,000 the Daniel J. Kobasic Foundation has already given,” Shiras Institute President Jim Reevs said. “The addition of the match of up to $115,000 could help secure funding for the Shiras Planetarium well into the future.”
Donations can be made online at