
Board meetings scheduled

Norway Township Planning Commission will meet at 5:30 p.m. Monday at the township hall in Vulcan.

Dickinson County Board will hold a finance meeting at 6 p.m. Monday in the circuit courtroom of the courthouse in Iron Mountain. The agenda includes vacancies in the district court and county clerk’s offices and a brownfield authority discussion. For more, go to https://www.dickinsoncountymi.gov/.

Breitung Township Board will meet at 6 p.m. Monday at the township hall in Quinnesec. For more, go to https://www.breitungtwp.org/.

Kingsford Planning Commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday at Kingsford City Hall.

Iron Mountain Downtown Development Authority will hold an events committee meeting at noon Tuesday and a business development committee meeting at noon Thursday. Both sessions are at Contrast Coffee, 1202 Carpenter Ave., Iron Mountain.

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