
The need to keep your distance

Dear Baby Boomers, Millennials and Gen X —

These are unprecedented times we are living in. Being a Baby Boomer, I remember stories from parents and grandparents about the Great Depression and World War II. I learned of the sacrifices they made and listened in awe as they described their daily lives during a terrible and frightening time. They survived, and we will, too. Just think of the great stories you will have to tell your children and grandchildren.

We are in a war now. Not on a foreign soil, but here on our land. It is an invisible enemy, which makes it more insidious. We can’t see it and to some, because of that, it doesn’t exist and therefore they don’t take heed. I feel they are the enemy, too and I don’t like that feeling.

Some of us are on the front lines and are going into battle without the proper protection. We would never ask our military to fight without the weapons they need to defeat the enemy or to protect themselves, yet our health care people are doing that every day. Our older daughter is one on the frontline soldiers, so yes, it is personal.

So, what are we to do? It is easy, yet we are finding it difficult. We must physically distance ourselves from everyone who is not in our household. That is really all our governor is asking of us. The list of things we can’t do is short compared to the things we can do. I’m a list maker; it helps me feel I have some control in a situation I have no control over. I’m the type of person who will write something down that I did when it was not on the list just so I can mark it off. I did that when we filled out our 2020 Census. I am going through my address book, starting with the A’s and calling those people I haven’t heard from or don’t talk to very often but are still important in my life. I am almost through the C’s and have enjoyed every minute.

I try to write a note to someone every other day. We downloaded Zoom and had a video conversation with our daughters last night and will try it with my group of friends tonight. It is easy and I urge you to do it.

I walk with my neighbor on opposite sides of the street so I can hear and see another human other than my husband. My kitchen is in a constant mess due to me trying new cooking skills. The birds and squirrels are enjoying my bread failures.

As an extrovert, this will be a trying time for me as I get my energy from being around others. I hope to come out of this with a better sense of self. I hope we all will come out of this with a better sense as to what is really important in life and take note of those leaders who have stepped up to the plate and shown us what compassionate leadership looks like.

Most of us will survive this pandemic, I intend to do what I can to insure I am a survivor. Be smart, stay well and stay away.


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