
Media needs to shift focus from Trump actions

It finally happened. They finally got a “mug shot” of Donald J. Trump. It looks pretty much like a thousand other photos of him except for the little Fulton County Jail emblem behind him.

Now before we go further, please remember that I am not a fan of former President Trump, nor in most of his actions. But that aside, I wonder why this one photo is going to make up weeks of “Breaking News” coverage. Why is this whole thing pretty much the entire content of the news?

We have a system of laws that most of us want to remain in place. Donald J. Trump is very much in that system, a system that has many legal side trips and appeals and etc. Why not just let it play out over the next few years and when it finally ends tell us the result?

Meanwhile, the news could cover quite a few thousand other things that really are affecting us and our way of life. Little things like a shortage of school bus drivers. Bigger things like the shortage or outright inability to find decent and affordable child daycare. Or the biggies, like why Americans are living on the streets with no home, no resources and no hope.

Want some “filler”? Cover the fact that those of us in Spread Eagle appear to be getting a new firehouse and a new fire truck and that this is a result of the bipartisan infrastructure bill. This should lower the cost of fire insurance on our properties. In our case, as the crow flies, we are less than 6 miles from the fire house in Florence. BUT by road we are about 6 and 2/10ths away, giving a higher rating. Think of what that will mean to some of the truly lovely properties around the Spread Eagle chain of lakes.

A couple more things I want to get off my chest. It is NOT the Biden Infrastructure Bill. He had no power to do anything but sign it. It was a product of our Congress. I know you are surprised to find that there are enough people in both parties and some Independents that are getting our country’s business done. It pretty much has always been so. The electronic media especially likes to overlook that and hang incorrect titles on things.

Finally, what media could do is point it out when something like our fire station gets done by our government that the local member of Congress voted against it but nonetheless is there to take credit. Shame on them. If we can do better, we should.

You won’t find me in front of the TV for the next couple years for the daily rehash. I hope that is true for you are well. Enjoy the bit of summer remaining and our beautiful upcoming fall season.


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