
Appreciates Norway principal’s greeting

Bouquets and Barbs

Bouquet: In today’s world of chaos, protests, wars and crime, there is a place where you can go to lighten your heart and make you smile.

Just go to the Norway-Vulcan Middle School entrance and be greeted with a smile and a song by Principal Rico Meneghini every day before school begins. He greets students, staff, parents and passersby with a high-five, a fist bump or a first-name basis; always with a smile and music from his color changing tower. It is a wonderful way to start the day; sometimes you can even get a glimpse of one of his famous dance moves.

Thank you, Principal Meneghini, for making a difference in today’s world and making all of us who come in contact with you happy to start each new day with a light heart and a big smile.


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