
Supports drive for AxMiTax


After reading Dr. Dougoveto’s letter to the editor clearly explaining the AxMiTax.org petition, I recently signed the petition being circulated in Dickinson County. Then I started thinking, “Why is eliminating property taxes so important?” This isn’t just about reducing financial burdens but fundamentally changing how we view and value property ownership in Michigan. We will actually own something and be happy!

Property taxes are more than an annual payment. They constantly threaten countless Michigan residents’ financial stability and peace of mind. From homeowners facing the risk of tax foreclosure and losing their home, to small businesses struggling under the weight of operational costs, the impact is widespread and deeply felt.

Imagine a Michigan where owning property means true ownership, free from the threat of loss due to the inability to pay property taxes. With the AxMITax ballot proposal, everyone in Michigan can own their home outright, giving citizens a sense of security, stability, and community pride.

Eliminating property taxes isn’t just good for individuals. It’s good for the entire state’s economy. If you think about it, by removing this financial burden, we open the door to more investment, encourage new businesses of all sizes to come to Michigan and thrive. This proposal would make Michigan a better, more attractive place to live and work.

AxMITax ballot proposal is so important to get on the November ballot! I hope people will sign the petitions that are all around town now. Together, we can create a future where every Michigander can own their home and live without fearing losing it to taxes.

Carlene Kavelaris



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