
Florence picks up regional championship

Flivvers sweep Mountaineers

Sean Chase/Daily News photo Florence senior Isabella Millan (4) tags Niagara shortstop Aiva Champeau (7) as she tries to steal second base in Niagara, Wis.

NIAGARA, Wis. — With a WIAA Division 5 Regional Championship trophy hanging in the balance, the No. 2-ranked Niagara and No. 3-ranked Florence varsity softball teams faced off in Niagara, Wis. on Thursday.

It was a tightly-contested battle, but the Bobcats ended up withstanding a late rally from the Badgers to pick up a 4-2 win.

“Heck of a ball game,” Niagara head coach Joe Champeau said. “Both teams were very deserving of the W. — We just came up a little short. We were able to generate more hits this time against Florence but it just wasn’t enough.”

Florence continues its season in the sectional round on Tuesday at home against the No. 5 seeded Newman Catholic. For Niagara, the loss marks the end of its three seniors, Aiva Champeau, Emma Broullire and Emma Brasure.

Champeau ended the season with the best batting average, .462. She also led the Badgers with 17 RBIs and two triples. Broullire ended with the third-best batting average on the team, .345.

“I would like to thank my seniors for all they have done for the program,” coach Champeau said. “I’ve coached all three seniors since they were eight-years-old. They’re going to be hard to replace as not only were they leaders of the team but they also played key positions for our team. I wish them all the best of luck in the future.”

Allison Wood started the game in the circle for Florence. She picked up the win, striking out 10 in seven innings while allowing two earned runs and two walks.

“Allison Wood is not only a family friend but is an outstanding pitcher, she’s a force,” coach Champeau said.

Elesia Sweig was tagged with the loss for Niagara. She struck out three in seven innings and surrendered two earned runs.

The Bobcats opened the scoring with an RBI single from Wood and they held a 1-0 lead after the first inning.

Florence continued its offensive momentum in the second frame with Isabella Millan and Quinn Cassidy coming in to score. The lead was up to 3-0 heading into the third.

Vicki Peterson plated a run for the Bobcats in the top of the third and they held a 4-0 advantage as the Badgers came to the plate in the bottom of the frame.

That’s when Champeau got Niagara on the board. She hit a double to left that scored Sweig and the lead was down to three runs.

Sweig would score again in the bottom of the fifth, on a Champeau RBI, cutting the Florence advantage to two. However, the Badgers’ offense sputtered to a halt as Wood continued to shine in the circle.

The Bobcats held on through the last two innings and advanced with a 4-2 victory.

Wood led Florence at the dish, going 2 for 3 with an RBI. Sami DeMuri and Peterson each had one RBI. Ashlyn VanDenHuevel drew the Bobcats’ lone walk in the contest.

Champeau led the way for Niagara. She was 2 for 2 at the plate with two RBIs and a walk. Mallory Sanicki was the only other Badger with two hits. Sweig drew one walk and stole three bases. Grace Payette had one stolen base.



IRON MOUNTAIN — It was an old-fashioned showdown on Thursday as the Iron Mountain varsity softball team welcomed Kingsford to Northside Park for a doubleheader.

The Mountaineers tried to keep pace with the Flivvers, but Kingsford ended up sweeping the home team with a 10-0 win and a 25-1 victory.

Game One

Mya Brunswick was dealing for the Flivvers in the opener. She threw a six-inning no-hitter while striking out 10.

The Kingsford offense was on another level as well and it struck right away in the top of the first.

Anna Bortolini kicked things off with a single which Brunswick followed with an RBI double and the Flivvers were off-and-running. Brunswick would score on a single from Kailey Sundquist and they held a 2-0 advantage.

In the second, Ady Weber drove in a run on a double to center and Kingsford led 3-0.

The Flivvers would score two in the fourth and five in the sixth to seal the win.

Offensively, Brunswick led the way for Kingsford with three RBIs. Sundquist was right behind with two while Bortolini, McKenna Trulock, Finnley Lutz and Jazz Shaughnessy each had one RBI. Bortolini and Sundquist each had one stolen base.

Ava Sardina was tagged with the loss for Iron Mountain. She recorded one strikeout in six innings. She also drew the Mountaineers’ lone walk in the game and stole one base.

Game Two

It took the Flivvers an inning to get going in the second game, but eventually they found their rhythm again.

A single from Jenna Viau broke the scoreless tie in the second inning and Kingsford took a 1-0 lead.

The Flivvers scored 11 runs in the third and 13 in the fourth to secure the win.

Reagan Cram picked up the win for Kingsford. She struck out six batters in four innings while surrendering six walks and one run.

Offensively, Trulock and Eden Janousek led the way with four RBIs apiece. Trulock also hit three doubles while Janousek had a triple.

Bortolini, Weber, Sundquist, Cram, Shaughnessy and Viau each had two RBIs. Bortolini and Viua had two stolen bases apiece while Addy Kriegl, Weber and Sundquist each stole one.

Macy Linsenbigler was tagged with the loss for Iron Mountain. She recorded one strikeout in 3.1 innings. Lindsey Sorensen came in in relief.

For the Mountaineers, Chiara Nocifora recorded their lone RBI. She also drew a walk. Sardina, Linsenbigler, Teresa Banuelos, Veronica Stanchina and Vivian Petrusch each drew a walk. Linsenbigler stole one base.

The Flivvers end their regular season slate with a two-game road trip, starting on Tuesday when they face Marquette at 3 p.m.

Then on Saturday, Kingsford faces Escanaba in a district semifinal.


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