Classical Conversations Community hosts Science Fair Friday in Aurora

Classical Conversations Community at Aurora, Wis., will host a Science Fair at 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7 at Aurora Free Church. Challenge A participants are, from left, Joseph Wichert, Samuel Begres, Ellie Wilson, Nathan Szymanski, LillyKate Maxson, Slevin Seppala and Maribelle Adams. Not shown is Nicole Kreh.
NORWAY — The Classical Conversations Community at Aurora, Wis., invites the community to The Science Fair on Friday at Aurora Free Church.
Doors open at 6 p.m. for the public to celebrate the students hard work and enjoy the many displays. At 6:30 p.m., young scientist will present their projects to attendees and be available to answer questions.
Some of the project titles include “Castle Crusher,” “Cool and Refreshing,” “Impenetrable Lego Walls,” “Oil Flow,” “Self Absorbed,” “Paper Weight Power,” “Muffin Mountain” and “Polluted Poultry.”
Refreshments will be available after the program.
The judges for the science fair include local educators and those in the scientific fields of engineering, chemistry, and medicine. They are Elizabeth Benz, Debbie Sage, Keith Maule, Jim Hill, Erik Johnson and Dr. RJ Tacia.
“The students and I learned a tremendous amount about the scientific method and proper research and analysis over the past 10 weeks,” said Kathy Wilson, the students’ Challenge A seventh- and eighth-grade tutor. “I encouraged the students to select projects they would find particularly interesting as they walked through the scientific method.”
“The study of science is an exciting way to learn about the thinking process of scientists and God’s design in the universe,” she added.
The Aurora Classical Conversations community meets at Aurora Free Church. Founded by Leigh Bortins in 1997, Classical Conversations is a leading classical Christian curriculum, taylored to homeschool education, serving more than 50,000 families in 52 countries.
The curriculum supports a home-centered educational community that equips parents to provide their children with timeless tools of learning, so they can discover nature’s order and beauty while enabling others to do the same. The curriculum offers a Christ- centered worldview while honing students, academic and classical skills of recitation, logical thinking and rhetoric.
For additional information about the Classical Conversations Community, email local representative Angela Maule at