

Golden K learns what’s offered at the library

By JOAN JOUPPI For The Daily News KINGSFORD — Early morning risers are greeted with blue skies, birds singing and the faint aroma of flowers opening their blossoms. As Mr. Rogers put it: “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.” The Golden K seniors arrived May 13 at the First ...

Senior News: To live long and prosper is entirely possible

NIAGARA, Wis. — If you are a Star Trek fan, you will recognize the title of today’s column. Our household was filled with avid viewers as together we “dared to go where no man had gone before” and watched the adventures of Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock as they toured outer space on the ...

Golden K learns about 100-Plus Women Who Care

KINGSFORD — The sun rises and spreads dancing rays across the lake. Blue skies promise a great day ahead. Watching this warmth and beauty unfold spurs one into an euphoric peace. Here is where we find the Golden K seniors preparing for their Monday meeting. Judy Sielaff, embracing duties as ...

Eight years in: Some perspectives on retirement

NIAGARA, Wis. — It is hard for me to believe, but I have already been retired for eight years after 28 years with our local hospital and nine years before that with a local construction company. I am grateful to say that I enjoyed working for both of my former employers and have many fond ...

Senior News: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

NIAGARA, Wis. — Today’s title is borrowed from Charles Dicken’s 1859 novel, “A Tale of Two Cities.” It is the opening thought, which begins a list of contradictions that goes on for nearly a full paragraph, and an attempt to describe the complexities of this period of history. The ...

Senior News: Tis the season for spring cleaning: Tips and benefits

NIAGARA, Wis. — At first glance, this headline may lead you to believe that this column today will be a version of “Hints from Heloise.” Fear not; that is not what you will find if you read further. As it turns out, a good annual spring house cleaning is good for the aging brain so ...