
Amberg Historical Society plans meeting Monday

AMBERG, Wis. — The Amberg Historical Society general membership meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Monday in the Amberg Community Center. Anyone who is interested learning or preserving the Amberg area story is invited and encouraged to attend.

Much work has been done since the museum closed following last September.

Under the direction of maintenance dhair, Keith Anderson, work continues on the early 1900’s period kitchen in the Old Town Hall. The walls were stripped of the layers of old coverings and Monte Downs drywalled and finished all of the walls in the room. The original hardwood floor was uncovered, sanded and finished. Next will be to reattach the plumbing. Proper period appliances and décor will be added.

Community volunteers, George Kloppenburg, Otto Theil, and Mark Wisnewski have built new sashes, installed, glazed and replaced many of the original windows in the Old Town Hall. Because of its registration in the National Register of Historic buildings, great effort has been taken to keep the building as original in appearance as possible.

Curator, Ken Jones and board member, Chuck Fick have spent many days and hours researching, documenting and updating the granite quarry display area of the main museum. Old photos and narrative now tells a chronological story of the granite industry from the time William Amberg arrived from Chicago in 1887 to the last stone taken from the Town of Amberg in the early 1960s.

The museum will reopen on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, May 25. New members, guides and other volunteers are always welcome. If you can spare just three to six hours a month to act as a museum guide it will help them keep the museum open. You can contact Carol R. Fick, secretary, at 715-759-5959.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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