
SkyWest sees increase in boardings at Ford

County accepts grant to expand parking

IRON MOUNTAIN — Passenger traffic continues to rebound at Dickinson County’s Ford Airport, rising to 634 boardings in June, up from 291 in May and just 88 in April when air travel plummeted nationwide due to coronavirus restrictions and warnings.

Through June, the airport unofficially had 5,365 boardings for the year, which is well behind the record pace of 2019 when it finished with 22,980 enplanements. Figures were reported Monday to the county board, which has a keen interest as 10,000 boardings are needed annually to qualify for up to $1 million in Airport Improvement Program Funds.

About 750 boardings would be needed monthly through the end of the year to reach the Federal Aviation Administration’s primary airport threshold.

SkyWest Airlines has served as Dickinson County’s Essential Air Service carrier since December 2012, operating under a contract that provides a current annual federal subsidy of up to $3,275,512.

The county board on Monday accepted Michigan Department of Transportation grants of $7,000 for an airport parking lot expansion and $5,000 for airport marketing. The county’s match is 10% of the total cost.

In other action, the board:

— Noted the possibility of having an agreement by its Aug. 10 meeting on giving ownership of the senior center at Crystal Lake in Iron Mountain to the Senior Citizens Council of Dickinson County. Commissioner Kevin Pirlot said he hopes the Dickinson-Iron Community Services Agency can return to using the center for its Meals on Wheels program, as opposed to adding a downstairs kitchen at its office building at 1238 Carpenter Ave. in Iron Mountain.

— Heard Chairman Henry Wender compliment G. Brooks Electric of Iron Mountain for its electrical upgrade at Lake Antoine Park, saying there were no service interruptions for campers over the Fourth of July weekend.

— Authorized Dickinson-Iron Special Olympics to host the Lake Antoine Classic on Aug. 8 at Lake Antoine Park/Fumee Lake. The run/walk will be limited to 100 participants with pre-registration required.

Jim Anderson can be reached at 906-774-3500 ext. 226 or janderson@ironmountaindailynews.com.


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