Full weekend of Memorial Day events
- KINGSFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL fifth-grade students — from left, Piper Zellner, Payton Kinsella and Maddy Trulock — place flags Thursday at a gravesite at Cemetery Park in Iron Mountain, in preparation for Memorial Day weekend. (Terri Castelaz/Daily News photo)
- ABOUT 200 fifth-grade students from Iron Mountain Central School and Kingsford Middle School honored veterans at Cemetery Park in Iron Mountain on Thursday. Students placed more than 2,300 American flags at the base of local veteran grave sites in preparation for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend. Iron Mountain North Elementary Principal Andrew Mendini instructs the students on how to properly place the flags. (Terri Castelaz/Daily News photo)
- HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC School eighth-grade students — from left, Lillie Wilson, Ester McBroom, Carter Grondine and Marie Murvich — assisted in putting flags on veterans graves at Norway Township Cemetery. (Wally Zychowski photo)

KINGSFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL fifth-grade students — from left, Piper Zellner, Payton Kinsella and Maddy Trulock — place flags Thursday at a gravesite at Cemetery Park in Iron Mountain, in preparation for Memorial Day weekend. (Terri Castelaz/Daily News photo)
IRON MOUNTAIN — This weekend will be full of tributes, parades and music to honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military.
Local Memorial Day ceremonies and activities include:
– The 20th-annual Veterans Tribute Ride will stop at the Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center in Iron Mountain about 11 a.m. Saturday.
They will have a ceremony along with a meet-and-greet with veterans.

ABOUT 200 fifth-grade students from Iron Mountain Central School and Kingsford Middle School honored veterans at Cemetery Park in Iron Mountain on Thursday. Students placed more than 2,300 American flags at the base of local veteran grave sites in preparation for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend. Iron Mountain North Elementary Principal Andrew Mendini instructs the students on how to properly place the flags. (Terri Castelaz/Daily News photo)
Registration is from 8:15 to 10:15 a.m. at Riverside Auto Sales in Iron Mountain. Cost is $20 per person, which includes snacks, dinner and entertainment.
The ride will end about 3 p.m. at The Maxx Entertainment Center in Iron Mountain. The public is also invited to attend the after-party at The Maxx for a $10 admission at the door.
Music will be provided by the local group Next Myle. They will also have food, raffles, door prizes, burn-out pit and bike wash.
Smokler’s BBQ & Catering will be on site doing a pig roast for the event. They will also have chicken and additional sides.
They welcome all riders, as well as antique cars/trucks for the event.

HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC School eighth-grade students — from left, Lillie Wilson, Ester McBroom, Carter Grondine and Marie Murvich — assisted in putting flags on veterans graves at Norway Township Cemetery. (Wally Zychowski photo)
All funds raised go to supporting local veteran projects and organizations.
— The annual Dickinson County Memorial Day program will start with a parade line-up at 8:30 a.m. on Ludington Street in Iron Mountain. The parade will kick off at 8:45 a.m., traveling down Ludington to U.S. 2 and stopping in front of the Dickinson County Courthouse.
The program begins about 9 a.m., with guest speaker Andrew Mendini, a veteran and principal at North Elementary School in Iron Mountain.
Master of ceremonies will be Denise Formolo and the invocation will be given by Frank Lombard.
Members of Uren-Cooper-Johnson American Legion Post 50 will conduct the posting of the colors and area Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts will lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
Music will be performed by the Iron Mountain and Kingsford High School bands. KHS choir will also perform.
Local vocalist Kevin Fraker will provide a musical selection.
The closing will include a gun salute and “Taps” played by Juliana Tapio, an IMHS band member.
For those unable to attend in person, John Kohler will be podcasting the event on the Frog Country radio.
In case of rain, the program will be moved to the Braumart Theatre, 106 E. B St. in Iron Mountain.
The Office of Veterans Affairs asks the community to join the rest of the nation at 3 p.m. Memorial Day in a one-minute moment of silence to pay tribute to soldiers who gave their lives.
The Uren-Cooper-Johnson American Legion Post 50 of Iron Mountain will conduct its Memorial Day program at 11 a.m. at Cemetery Park in Iron Mountain. Legion members will speak during the service.
Legion members will also lay wreaths to honor deceased veterans.
Services conducted by the Kingsford Carpenter-Clash American Legion Post 363 will begin at 10:15 a.m. Monday at the Breitung Township Cemetery in Quinnesec.
Master of ceremonies will be Post Adjutant Gary Chapman.
The Kingsford High School band, under the direction of Jacob Barnby and Marc Rose, will play “The Star-Spangled Banner” while the flags are raised to full staff, and then lowered back to half-staff in memory of the fallen comrades.
Scout Pack 510 will lead the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the invocation prayer by the Rev. Jeremy Goff, pastor of the Quinnesec Community Bible Chapel.
Harrison Rybarczyk of Pack 510 will do a reading and Post Commander Lewis Adams will say a thank you.
The Post 363 Sergeant-at-Arms T.J. VanPembrook will lead the POW and MIA salute.
KHS Choral group, under the direction of Curt Rogan, will perform a selection.
Students speakers are KMS eighth-grade students Madison Miller and Serenidy Steinke.
Musical selections will be provided by the Kingsford High School band and Charity Aderman will perform a selection.
Main speaker for the program will be Jay Davis, the Breitung Township superintendent of public works.
They will recognize deceased veterans. The post will salute fallen soldiers as well by firing three rounds, plus one round for the unknown soldier.
A KHS band member will play “Taps.”
Flowers will be presented by the sergeant-at-arms to remember veterans and wars fought in all wars.
The KHS band will have the closing march and Goff will offer closing prayer.
After the main program, members will go to Memorial Gardens for a short program for the veterans buried there.
At 6 p.m., flags will be raised back to full staff.
The annual Norway Township Cemetery Memorial Day program set for 11 a.m. has been moved to the Fine Arts Center in Norway, with Terry Backlund as master of ceremonies.
Members of the Norway Veterans of Foreign Wars Post and American Legion will raise the flag and the Norway City Band will play the national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
The invocation will be given by VFW Chaplain George Olson.
Marie Devine will place a wreath on the cannon as a tribute to the unknown soldier and to all war dead.
Olson also will read a prayer for departed comrades.
The poem “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae will be read by Katherine Spence.
Tim Ellison will give the Memorial Day address.
American Legion chaplain Wally Zychowski will give a prayer for the departed comrades.
The American Legion and VFW squads will fire three volleys for the war dead and a single round for the unknown soldier.
“Taps” will be played by the Norway City Band.
Assisting in paying tribute to the war dead are the Gold Star Mothers, Hall-DeWinter Post, Vietnam Veterans, Korean Veterans, Norvulet VFW Post 4581, American Legion Post 145, Girls Scouts, Boy and Cub Scouts, Norway City Band, Norway High School Band, Norway High School Honor Society and Norway City Fire Department.
The Floriano-Stecker-Kelly American Legion Post ceremonies begin with the raising of the flag to half-staff at the Riverside and Meyer Township cemeteries.
Services start at 9 a.m. at Riverside Cemetery in Faithorn and 9:30 a.m. at the Menominee River in Faithorn.
Coffee and brunch will be served at the Faithorn Township Hall after the service.
Post members will then go to Hermansville Lake at 10:30 a.m. and the Veterans’ Memorial Marker at 10:45 a.m. for a short program. A ceremony will follow at 11:15 a.m. in the Meyer Township Cemetery.
A memorial prayer will be said, followed by a roll call of deceased veterans, placing of wreaths and salute to recognize all the dead. “Taps” will be played.
Lunch will be served at the legion club rooms by the Post 340 Ladies Auxiliary after the programs at Meyer Township Cemetery.
The Tony Revord American Legion Post, Sons Squadron and Auxiliary of Powers-Spalding will begin with the raising of the flag and service at 8 a.m. at the Veterans’ Park in Meyer Township.
At 8:30 a.m. the services will begin at Harris Township Presbyterian Church, followed by the Wilson Cemetery at 9:45 a.m. and Powers-Spalding Cemetery at 10:30 a.m.
Chaplain Jeff Otradovec will offer the Memorial Day prayer.
Auxiliary will offer prayer and place the wreath at the Powers cemetery.
Post Commander Wendy Sexton will give a roll call of deceased veterans.
The firing squad will fire three volleys saluting the deceased. Bugler Matt Wells will play “Taps.”
Greg Christiansen is the officer of the day.
All veterans, Sons members, Auxiliary members and their spouses are invited to the clubhouse after the services for light refreshments.
The Felch-Breen Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4803 will host Memorial Day services at three cemeteries.
At 9 a.m. they will be at the cemetery in Ralph, at 10:15 a.m. in Felch Township and at 11 a.m. in Foster City.
Veterans are asked to meet at the VFW Clubhouse in Felch at 8 a.m.
All area veterans are asked to participate in the services to help honor those that were killed while fighting for our country, spokesman Jim Edberg said.
The public is invited to an open house at the clubhouse starting at noon.
American Legion Post 168 of Channing will conduct its Memorial Day service at 9 a.m. at the Channing Cemetery.
Master of ceremonies and speaker will be Gregg Harper, who will honor fallen comrades in Sagola Township.
The North Dickinson County High School band will provide the music selection. The band will also play “Taps.”
Commander John Carlson is in charge of the program.
Ceremonies in Crystal Falls will start with the parade at 9 a.m. at Washington Avenue and Logan Street, then a march to the Evergreen Memorial Cemetery.
Guest speaker will be Bob Black. The invocation will be given by Vicki Prewitt and the Forest Park High School band will perform the national anthem.
The address will be given by Black, who is a member of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, American Legion Post 87, VFW Auxiliary Post 2891, Free and Accepted Mason Lodge 385 and Sergeant of Arms with the American Legion Riders Chapter 21.
After the speech, the VFW Auxiliary will lead the wreath ceremony, followed by a volley by the color guard. “Taps” will be played by the Forest Park High School band.
Closing prayer will be given by Prewitt.
In case of inclement weather, the service will be moved to 9:30 a.m. in the Eddie Chambers Memorial Gym at Forest Park High School.
A veterans program will follow at the Hematite Township Cemetery in Amasa.
The Reino American Legion Post 21 will place flags on the graves of veterans at 9 a.m. Sunday at the Stambaugh Cemetery.
The program will start at 10:30 a.m. Monday at the cemetery. Senior Master Sgt. Marie Brunswick, retired from the U.S. Air Force, will serve as master of ceremonies.
The flag will be raised by members of the Caspian-Gaastra Fire Department.
Post 21 Auxiliary members Linda Johnson and Linda Nasser will place a wreath on a cross in honor of all deceased veterans.
Guest speaker is Robert T. Cole, who joined the U.S. Army in 2005 and served in Iraq. He received two Purple Hearts and was medically discharged in 2010 from wounds in combat.
The next guest speaker will be U.S. Rep. Jack Bergman of the First Congressional District of Michigan.
The program will conclude with the firing of a volley by members of the Reino Post 21 firing squad and the playing of “Taps.”
In case of poor weather, the program will be moved to the Caspian-Gaastra Fire Hall.
The American Legion Reino Post 21 also will conduct a Memorial Day service at 2 p.m. at the Iron River Care Center. All are welcome to attend.
The annual Memorial Day services will begin at 8:30 a.m. Monday at the Bates Township Cemetery. The Veterans of Foreign Wars Ottawa Post 3134 and Westside Veterans Council will provide the flag raising and color guard.
The invocation and benediction will be by the Rev. Corey Shankleton, pastor of Northgate Church in Bates Township.
Guest speakers are Jesse Casari, who retired as a master sergeant from U.S. Army in 2007 after 20 years of service, and Esther Casari, a 2017 retired U.S. Army major with 21 years of service.
Vocalist Jessica Thibodeau will be accompanied by Kaylee Hernandez. Roll call will be recited by Moriah, Eljah Shankleton and Ellie, Evan and June Thibodeau.
The Bates Hall Preservation Society will host refreshments after the ceremony at the Bates Township Hall, 3070 E. U.S. 2.
The ceremony also will be moved to the township hall if poor weather threatens.
Ceremonies at Rosehill Cemetery in Beechwood will begin at 8 a.m. Monday. The Amvets Post 436 will present the colors.
Pat Turner will be master of ceremonies. Post Chaplain Dale Melstrom will give the invocation with a solo of the national anthem by Annalia Lopez. The wreath will be placed by Harlie and Gracyn Melstrom, who will also lead the pledge and give a patriotic reading.
A musical presentation will be given by Krista Gussert and Gary Friestrom.
The Memorial Day address will be given by Jim Brennan, a Navy veteran.
Roll call will be given by Amvets Post 436, with the benediction by Melstrom.
The Post 436 color guard will fire the volley and “Taps” by Curt Brendel will conclude the proceedings.
Immediately after the program, participants are invited to a social at Beechwood Hall.
This year’s Memorial Day events begin with a volley fired by Westside Veterans Council at 8:30 a.m. at the Iron River Cemetery.
The program will continue at 9:30 a.m. at the Veterans Memorial on Genesee Street, led by the West Side Veterans Council.
Master of ceremonies will be Darin Long, retired Navy veteran.
The Legion Post 17 Auxiliary president will lay the wreath at the memorial.
Erika Sauter will sing the national anthem.
Speakers are Jesse Casari, retired U.S. Army master sergeant, and U.S. Rep. Jack Bergman, a Marine Corp veteran.
The American Legion Auxiliary Post 17 president will lay the wreath at the memorial. A parade up Genesee Street will take place just after the memorial ceremonies.
The program at Resthaven Cemetery in Iron River will be 11 a.m., with Casari as guest speaker.
Military rites will be presented by the West Side Veterans.
The program will be repeated at noon at the cemetery in Alvin, Wis.
Cretton-Tutas American Legion Post 136 of Niagara will conduct its Memorial Day service at 1 p.m. Monday at the Niagara Cemetery. Commander Steve Wescher will be the speaker. All are invited to attend a reception at the Niagara Senior Center after the service.
The annual Memorial Day services will begin at 11 a.m. in Aurora-Homestead Cemetery on County Road B, about 3 miles west of Aurora.
The ceremony will take place rain or shine. Attendees are reminded to bring a chair.
For more information, call Paul or Roxanne Holton at 715-589-4608.
The American Legion Post 211 of Florence will host Memorial Day services at two locations. The first program will be presented at 10 a.m. Monday at the Woodlawn Cemetery in Florence, then travel at 10:45 a.m. to the Commonwealth Cemetery.
The Florence School District Band will perform for both services.
If case of inclement weather, the programs will be at 10:30 a.m. at the Florence Community Center, 749 Central Ave. in Florence.
Memorial Day services by the Florence Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3635 will begin at 10 a.m. Monday at the Martin Cemetery in Tipler, with a 10:45 a.m. service to follow at Long Lake Cemetery.
The Pembine American Legion Post 461 will host the annual Memorial Day ceremony at 10:30 a.m. Monday at the Pembine Cemetery.
The high school band will perform music selections.
When the ceremony concludes, the group will travel to the Dunbar Cemetery for services.
The Mullany-McTrusty Legion Post 428 and Auxiliary will conduct its annual Memorial Day ceremony at 11 a.m. at the Amberg Cemetery in Amberg, Wis.
The Wausaukee High School Band will perform. The Legion will provide a gun salute and auxiliary members will lay a wreath.
St. Agnes Catholic Church will host a luncheon after the ceremony from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the community center.
The Martell-Musia American Legion Unit 325 of Goodman will conduct memorial services at three locations: 9 a.m. at the Pine Hill Cemetery in Armstrong Creek; 10 a.m. at the Glenwood Cemetery in Goodman, Wis.; and 11 a.m. at the Hillside Cemetery in Fence.
A lunch will follow.
In case of rain, services will be at 10 a.m. in the Goodman-Armstrong Creek gymnasium.
The Polomis-Tahlier American Legion Post 150 of Wausaukee, in conjunction with the Wausaukee Fire Department, will sponsor a Memorial Day service to honor all service members who have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. The ceremony will take place at 9 a.m. Monday at Evergreen Cemetery in Wausaukee. The Wausaukee High School marching band will perform at the ceremony.
The combined honor guard of the Netzel-Zenz American Legion Post 413 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial Post 2063 of Crivitz will conduct two ceremonies for Memorial Day. The first service will be at 9:30 a.m. Monday at the Pine Hills Cemetery in Middle Inlet, followed by a service at 10:30 a.m. in the Crivitz Cemetery. American Legion Adjutant Bob Kleba will preside over the ceremonies, with Vietnam veteran John Deschane as the speaker.