Kingsford High School MYLead nominees chosen

Kingsford High School MYLead nominees are, from left, Laelonii Miner, Mya Brunswick, Kenedi Burrell, Jake Lockhart, Bradlee Bottesi, Aalayah Noasconi, Sophia Fornetti and Mara Tripp.
KINGSFORD — Eight sophomores from Kingsford High School – Laelonii Miner, Mya Brunswick, Kenedi Burrell, Jake Lockhart, Bradlee Bottesi, Aalayah Noasconi, Sophia Fornetti and Mara Tripp — have been nominated to attend the Michigan Youth Leadership conference at Michigan State University.
Students attending this conference must be a sophomore and have positive character traits with demonstrated leadership potential.
MYLead participants experience enhanced self-confidence, critical thinking, creative problem-solving, and a desire to serve others. Specific leadership tools are provided.
Students step outside their comfort zone, take time to understand different leadership styles, learn ways to motivate others, as well as engage in goal setting, public speaking and much more.
A key ingredient to these outcomes is the opportunity to interact with peer leaders from across the state.
Bottesi is the son of Rick and Amber Bottesi of Kingsford. He has been a member of Key Club, SADD, Flivver Family, student council and French Club. He also participates in football, basketball and baseball.
Brunswick is the daughter of Michael and Amy Brunswick of Breitung Township. She has been a member of Key Club, student council and French Club. She also participates in volleyball, basketball and softball.
Burrell is the daughter of Josh and Kristen Burrell of Breitung Township. She has been a member of Key Club, student council, French Club and Coastal Stewards. She also participates in volleyball, basketball, and track and field.
Fornetti is the daughter of Paul and Angela Fornetti of Breitung Township. She has been a member of student council, French Club, Key Club, Flivver Family and Student Leadership Alliance. She also participates in volleyball, ski, and track and field.
Lockhart is the son of Matt and Jamie Lockhart of Breitung Township. He has been a member of Key Club and French Club. He also participates in football, wrestling and baseball.
Miner is the daughter of Thomas and Christyne Miner of Iron Mountain. She has been a member of KHS Academic Booster Club and the children’s ministry at her church. She also participates in volleyball, basketball, and soccer.
Noasconi is the daughter of Steve and Sarah Noasconi of Breitung Township. She has been a member of Key Club and French Club. She also participates in volleyball and track.
Tripp is the daughter of Eric and Kay Tripp of Iron Mountain. She has been a member of Key Club and Senior Craft Connections. She also participates in volleyball.