Climate change more pressing emergency than southern border
Thank you for keeping readers informed regarding the declaration of a national emergency at the Mexican border. This emergency is getting a tremendous amount of government time and attention, as well it should be.
Unfortunately, the far bigger national emergency, not to mention global crisis, is getting far less press than it deserves and even less government attention.
As The Daily News reported, on Friday, March 15, students in many cities across the nation and around the world marched for climate justice. With the support of many parents and teachers, the students skipped school to raise awareness and call for government action to address the climate crisis. Students fear for their future.
A report released in October 2018 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns us that we have 12 years to solve the climate crisis before we suffer catastrophic and irreversible damage. We have the means to solve this crisis. There is an urgency to act.
The bipartisan Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019, H.R. 763, provides a proven and effective means of moving away from the burning of fossil fuels and moving toward meeting our energy needs through renewable resources. The bill has been reintroduced into the U.S. House of Representatives. I encourage everyone to write to their senators asking them to co-sponsor this important legislation when it is reintroduced in the Senate.
The ball is in our court. Let’s not fail our children.