August is Child Support Month in Michigan
To recognize the tireless efforts of the child support workers, employers, state and county departments, hospitals and community partners that support Michigan children and families, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has declared August 2019 as Child Support Month in Michigan.
The Michigan Child Support Program strives to help families support each other both financially and emotionally. The program is a partnership of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Office of Child Support, Friend of the Court offices, prosecuting attorney offices, the State Court Administrative Office, employers, hospitals and other community agencies.
“Child support is a key part of the social safety net,” said Erin Frisch, chief deputy director for opportunity at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. “The dedication and commitment of all involved in the state’s program ensured more than 845,000 children and their families received nearly $1.2 billion in child support in 2018.”
The program provides parents of all income levels with assistance in obtaining financial support and medical insurance coverage for their children. It also helps locate parents, establishes paternity, manages child support cases and collects and disburses support payments.
In 2018, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services:
— 71.4 percent of support was paid in the month it was due. Collections of child support paid in the month when due totaled $969.7 million.
— $1.06 billion was collected by employers withholding child support from parents’ paychecks.
— $122 million was distributed to families each month by the Michigan State Disbursement Unit, Michigan’s centralized collection and payment processor.
More child support information for parents, employers, hospitals and schools can also be found at