
Witness autumn’s splendor before it’s time to shovel

While conditions these past few days have not been what autumn aficionados might hope for, with chilly temperatures and rain mixed with snow on the horizon, it’s not too late to soak up some autumn splendor.

Sunny days might be a bit more ideal, but we are still hoping everyone finds at least a little bit of time to look around at the fall leaves.

Scarlet. Persimmon. Lemon yellow. Orange … those are just a few of the colors found on trees throughout the Upper Peninsula for just a little bit longer.

Winter is looming, which makes it even more wonderful to gaze in wonder at nature at her vivid best.

And maybe before the wind and precipitation take too great a toll, there will be enough time to look — to really look — around and say a prayer of thanks for the chance to be here, in God’s country, when the explosion of color makes everything just a little more special, for what seems like a quick second.

The U.P. is lovely all for seasons, but never more so than in the days of autumn.

Take some time to really appreciate it.


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