
Support your local paper this Christmas

Local news makes communities better.

Plenty of research shows that communities with a local paper fare better than those without.

When communities lose their paper, voter participation goes down, government spending and corruption goes up, small businesses close, and community participation wanes.

When communities have a local paper, voter participation increases, government spending and corruption stays in check, small businesses thrive, and community participation in local government and local events increases.

That’s why we urge everyone reading this to support their local paper this Christmas.

If you’re not already a subscriber, subscribe. Take out a classified ad. If you’re a small business, buy print or digital advertising.

Local newspapers provide an important community service. By telling the stories of our communities through journalism and through advertising, we help make the community a better place to live, work, and play.

So, this Christmas, support your local paper.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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