
Help state’s Military Family Relief Fund during tax season

With Tax Day approaching, the Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs is reminding Michiganders they can designate a portion of their income tax return to the Military Family Relief Fund.

The Military Family Relief Fund provides grants funding financial assistance to qualifying families of Michigan military members in either the National Guard or Reserves who are called to active duty. Grants can be used for clothing, food, housing, utilities, medical services or prescriptions, insurance payments, vehicle payments or other related necessities of daily living. Nearly $60,000 in financial assistance was awarded to military families in need in fiscal year 2022.

“Our military families play an integral role in support of military readiness and operations and we must continue to make sure they are prepared for deployment and any challenges that might arise,” said U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul D. Rogers, adjutant general and director of the Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. “Donations to the Military Family Relief Fund are a way for Michiganders to recognize the service and sacrifice of our military families and support those who encounter financial difficulties.”

To designate a portion of the income tax return to the Military Family Relief Fund, complete line 4 of the Voluntary Contributions Schedule (Form MI-4642) and carry over this amount to line 22 of the Individual Income Tax Return (MI-1040). Form MI-4642 must be included with form MI-1040 to ensure the contribution is properly credited to the designated fund. Donors can also send a check or money order made out to the “State of Michigan” and mail to: Military Family Relief Fund c/o Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, 3423 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906.

To view more information related to the Military Family Relief Fund, go online to https://www.michigan.gov/dmva/military-family-relief-fund.


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