
A letter of thanks and appreciation to Santa

Bouquets and Barbs

Bouquet: Dear Santa Claus,

Thank you for all the presents. I am very grateful for you. It lightened our day. I loved the globe, even if I wanted to go to Paris, I still loved the globe very much and I still do.

Trust me Santa you are the best ever in the whole world. I am very glad you came to our house. I loved that note that you wrote: (Check the freezer). I love all the presents.

I was very excited when I woke up. I jumped out of bed and scooted to Alexandra’s room. I was like “It’s Christmas Day!” and I kept saying that over and over and over. My grandma said “Calm down,” I said “I cannot calm down.”

Don’t worry, Alexandra loves her presents.

We, I mean Mr. P’s class, got to do a white elephant trade. I am in Mr. P’s class. My present was Simon. I love it. I love to write. Not many kids in my class are left-handed. I am left-handed but my uncle Eddie is left-handed. But I like being unique. So I feel proud of being unique.

Did you like the cookies? Do not answer that question.

I did this on Christmas Day/night. I am getting tired. I did tennis and badminton on Wii Sports, I wish you could see. I played against my uncle and Alex/Alexandra. I love my sister!

I love you Santa. I call my favorite pencil the pizza perfect pencil. I love the show Young Sheldon. It is my favorite show that I watch. When I watch Netflix Alexandra can not watch her show.

My blanket is called blue blanket.


Your Friend


Age 9


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