
Kudos to Marshfield Medical Center-Dickinson

Bouquets and Barbs

Bouquet: Recently, I was a patient at Marshfield Medical Center-Dickinson. I would like to share my experience and to thank some very special people.

From the time I walked through the emergency room door until the time I was wheeled out to my car two days later, I was treated with the utmost respect, professionalism, efficiency and empathy.

Thank you to the emergency room staff who were able to get me tested in a timely manner, and to diagnose and make contact with the correct physician.

Thank you, Dr. Keoleian, and the surgical staff for keeping me in a calm state of mind and for your skilled hands. Thank you, Dr. Woodbury, for your comforting bedside manner.

And to my three amazing nurses, I thank you from the bottom of my heart to the tips of my toes! You work so hard and take such good care of your patients. I was fortunate to be under your care 24/7.

I was relieved to be able to have my medical issues taken care of with such success, right here at home.


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