

Tips offered on safe mosquito control

Summer weather is on the horizon, including a predicted high near 90 degrees on Memorial Day. Along with picnics, swimming and other summer fun, the hot weather is sure to usher in mosquito season. Mosquitos are annoying and potentially dangerous pests. They often seem to appear overnight ...

New baby safety law bans inclined sleepers and crib bumpers

A new federal law is aimed at helping make sure infants sleep in a safe environment. The Safe Sleep for Babies Act, signed by President Joe Biden last week, makes it illegal to sell padded bumper pads and inclined sleepers for infants. The law does not include unpadded, mesh crib liners The ...

Construction zones can be challenging

It’s that time of year again, when road crews are out in force and construction projects are often encountered on local, state and federal roadways. Because these are situations that can tax even the most experienced motorists, it isn’t a bad idea to review some basic safety protocols that ...

Watch out for mom turtles on the move, looking to lay eggs

This can be a dangerous time of the year to be a turtle. Monday was World Turtle Day, intentionally timed to coincide with turtle nesting season and the hazards involved when females begin venturing out from rivers, lakes and wetlands to find a place to lay eggs. Getting away from the ...

DNR crews, many others stand ready to battle wildfires

As warmer weather advances in on the region, many people are focused on getting outdoors. However, fire season has arrived along with those warmer, drier conditions, and Michigan Department of Natural Resources firefighters are preparing for the upcoming season using a variety of methods and ...

Killian provides a voice of calm, reason

Bouquet: What a pleasure it is to read Suzanne Killian’s columns in your weekend editions. She is a voice of calm and reason in a world that seems consumed with self-righteous intolerance, whatever the subject or point of view. It seems almost impossible to speak on any subject of ...